What's this?

Epic Music Quiz is a free web-based tool for creating your own custom Music Video Quiz in no time!

Playing a quiz is also free and all you need is the link to the quiz.
Just copy-paste the link to your friends and family and start playing together right away!

2023 October Update:

Browse through previously created quizzes by other users in the new Catalogue!

Take me to the Catalogue!

Create a quiz in just minutes!

Tutorial (02:00)

Video demonstrating how to create your own Epic Music Quiz in just a matter of minutes.

Can I just play a quiz now?

We've published alot of quizzes on our X account that you can check out.
Please follow us!
EpicMusicQuiz used Gotalk as webcam provider.
Webcam is optional while playing a quiz.

Music quiz
Who doesn't love a good music quiz? Pump up the game for this winning concept to a whole new level!

Music quiz used to be all about listening, but not so much about what you see. With this amazing web tool you can create a Music Video quiz in just minutes and share it with your friends.

It's not limited to a single music video! Add as many videos as you want and the quiz will seamlessly transition from one to the next!

Play several people at once!
Even more fun to play with friends! The music quiz you create here can be played together with friends. There's an option to talk to each other through webcam/microphone while playing your quiz!

Create quiz now!